Saturday, September 23, 2006


Well I think the search is almost over for a house. We've found one near Woodville that I think will be a great first home. It's probably the best house we've seen so far and probably in the best shape of any of the houses that we've seen so far as well. Not only that, but the cost is great as well. We're looking forward to seeing it again before making an offer. Hooray!!! The search may be nearing an end!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I never knew that morning sickness could be so bad. I mean I've heard of it and all, but to see Julie sick almost all day everyday is horrible. Anyhow, things seem to be turning around now that she's got some medicine that she can take to help with the nausea. It's been a day or so since she's taken it so hopefully things are getting a bit better.

During time, I've got my own sickness going on. I'm sick and tired of living in an apartment. Unfortunately, we can't seem to decide on a place that we want to live. This really stinks because housing near Toledo (where we don't want to be) is really expensive, but housing everywhere else is somewhat from anything to do and Julie is worried that no one will come to visit us. I'm really beginning to not care where we are as long as it isn't an apartment anymore and if people want to visit us they will.

How do people live in an apartment for so long. I need to feel like I own something and can make changes to it if I want. Of course, there comes a lot of additional responsibility with a house. But who cares?!?!?! I mean, it sucks because people aren't friendly in apartments, you don't know who anyone is. Maybe its different at other places, but I know that I don't want to move around to try to find one. The next time we move, it's going to be for a while.

On the good news front....we did get the first ultrasound a couple of weeks ago. Let me tell you, that was awesome!!! It's not any bigger than a paperclip and you could hear it's heart beating. Very impressive and obviously a miracle in the making. I don't know how else to describe than that.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Well since it appears that I can't have a blog that appeals to the general public, I've decided to create something that will appeal to family and friends. So from this point forward, or until we have nothing new to talk about, I and hopefully my wife will be posting updates about our family, what we're doing, the baby that's on the way, our search for a house, etc. So if you're interested, keep reading...