Friday, February 27, 2009


I'm sure you've heard the Albert Einstein's saying, "The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I don't want to call anyone stupid, but let's think about this. 
  • First, a $700 billion bailout for the banks that didn't work, and now they're proposing an additional $750 billion in order to do the job. Why?
  • First, you have people going into debt over their head and not being able to afford their mortgages and other debt payments and yet we're trying to get the banks to lend more. Why?
  • First, we see record foreclosures, a negative savings rate, and massive debt being incurred by US citizens which helped to lead us into this crisis, and now the government is spending even more than they bring in and incurring record amount of debt and expecting a different result than what the average citizen experienced. Why?
Can we seriously think that the government or those running it who are making the same choices over and over again and expecting different results (a.k.a. stupidity) are really that much better than you and I? Remember, we elect these people. Think about that the next time you're asked to vote for "more of the same".


I think I've finally figured out what Obama meant when he said he was running on a platform of Hope for America. He meant he would implement new government programs and run up an incredible deficit and then:
  • HOPE no one notices the incredible budget deficits he's accumulating.
  • HOPE someone else will pick up the tab.
  • HOPE no one associates the higher taxes they'll be paying down the road with the actions he's taking during his presidency.
I'm sure you can think of your own.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

What is Vetting?

It makes me wonder what vetting really is or what it means. During the election, the democrats seemed to think the republicans had no idea how to vet a proper Vice Presidential candidate. All these stories kept coming out about Palin and how she did this, or said that.

But now, I'm starting to think that no one knows how to vet someone for a position. Look at all the cabinet positions and White House staff positions have already been vacated before they've even been filled. We haven't even completed the first 30 days of the presidency.

Consider this. Talk is talk, a speech is a speech, but unless you can back up what you say with real actions, then it means nothing. Where is the "change"? Where is the tossing of "politics as usual"? You let me know when you see it.