Thursday, August 06, 2009

Cash for Clunkers - Literal Government Waste

I'm sure that many people are familiar with the Cash for Clunkers program. Trade in your 2001 or older car that gets 18mpg or worse and you can get up to $4500 from the government (ahem... I mean taxpayers) towards the purchase of a new car.

Well, guess what happens to the car you trade gets crushed. Guess who is probably buying these cars....people who probably couldn't afford them in the first place, otherwise they would have bought a new car a while ago. Those that could afford to purchase a new car have just pushed their purchase up by a couple of months or years and therefore stolen possible sales from the future. These are cars that could be resold, cheaply of course, to those who cannot afford a new car.

You've probably heard that this will help us raise our fuel efficiency and lower our dependency on foreign oil. Or maybe you've heard that this is going to put people to work making cars. Well consider this, what does it take to crush a car and then make a new car, filled with it's plastic interior. It takes oil. Where do we get oil from??? On top of that, car makers have a back log of new car supplies, which means it's going to take a while to burn through all that inventory before people are actually going back to work to make new ones and restock their supplies.

Just something to consider as the Senate is considering funding this with $2 billion more taxpayer dollars. Not only do we own GM, but we're also funding their rebate programs!!!!