Friday, September 11, 2009


Here is my common sense approach to fix the Social Security system. It's a simple approach.
  1. Allow people to opt out. By opting out, you say that you will not use Social Security in the future.
  2. If you opt out, you cannot get any of the money that you've put in so far. You've essentially lost it. (You lost it anyhow by putting it into Social Security in the first, now you're just admitting that you're never going to get it back.)
  3. Finally, in order to get bipartisan support, it could be required that the 6.2% that you currently contribute to Social Security would have to be contributed to a 401k, IRA, or Roth IRA of *YOUR* choice, and NOT a government devised savings plan.
That's it. Pretty simple huh? Too simple actually. And that's why it will never happen. The goals would be to give people choice instead of being forced into the system and to allow people to become responsible for themselves which would eventually ween them off of the crumbling Social Security system.