Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Finally, the search for the surprisingly difficult to find Nintendo Wii is over. Sunday, I found out that was letting users sign up for a chance to purchase a Nintendo Wii. When it was all said and done, the odds of being one of the lucky people was 28 to 1. I figured my odds were about as good as getting up early each weekend to try to find one at local stores. So after the waiting all day Monday, I finally went out to Tuesday morning to see if I was one of the lucky ones and surprisingly....I was. I quickly purchased the console, selected 2 day shipping, as if the offer would magically disappear in front of me, and I should easily have it before Christmas. Take that doubters (you know who you are, Josh)!!!! :-)

Monday, December 18, 2006


We've decided on a name as you can probably tell by now. Many of you may have heard it before, but I'm posting it out here to make it official. Adelyn was Julie's great-grandmother's name on her mom's side and Isabelle was my grandmother's name on my dad's side. I hope everyone likes it. If not, oh well. :-)

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Okay to make things easy on everyone, I'm going to post Christmas ideas out here on the blog. I know we'll get asked a bunch of times, so we might as well make it easy on ourselves and everyone else. This is going to start off short, but will hopefully get longer as we come up with more ideas.

  • Candle Warmer (the other one suffered a horrible fall, breaking it into 3 large pieces)
  • Clothes Gift Certificates (I rarely buy clothes for myself, unless I have a gift certificate)
  • Queen Sized Mattress Cover (oversized)
  • Striker II: USB Laser Guided Missile Launcher (check it out here, this thing is sweet)
  • Nintendo Wii (I don't expect anyone to get me this, let alone find it anywhere. I've just been trying to track one of these down since they came out and it's nearly impossible. Sure, I know when every place is going to get them in, but can I get there fast enough? Of course not. I've been within 2 people in line of getting one at Target, and I was about 5-10 minutes from Meijer before they sold there last one.)

Friday, November 10, 2006


We had our second ultrasound today and have several new pictures to share. The first one is of the baby's face, looking directly at the ultrasound. The second one is a profile shot of the baby. The third picture of the baby's legs with the legs crossed looking from the bottom. Picture number four is of a yawn. The baby was quite active that day and we could see a lot of activity, which was very cool. Picture five is of the bottom of the feet. Picture six is the all important gender picture. Can you figure out what it is? We couldn't, but the ultrasound technician was very confident in what it was. Picture seven is of an arm and picture eight is of the toes. After all of the pictures (there were several times more than these ones), we do know what our baby is going to be. It's a ....

Thursday, November 09, 2006


We find out tomorrow at 12:45 PM when Julie gets her second ultrasound.

I thought that maybe a little humor might interest everyone. Here is a link to a story about someone that used to work at the company I currently work for. This was sent in by one of the people I work with and it was finally posted. or digg it on so it can move up the ranks.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Well, here is an update for those who are interested. We didn't get the house that we wanted. The offer we put in was pretty much the same as the offer that someone else put in, but the other people were letting them stay there a little longer, so they chose their offer over ours. That really stinks because that means we have to go back to the drawing board and start looking again. It wouldn't be such a big deal if we had backup houses, but we never seem to like more than one at a time, and we've pretty much seen everything in Perrysburg.

Two other small things...Julie has found a job as an MRI tech ironically enough since her degree is in Nuclear Medicine. Also, it seems as though the morning sickness may be coming to an end (knock on wood), since she hasn't needed any medicine for it for 3 days now, which is a new record. That's about all I've got for now. I'll leave those that visit the site with an our first ultrasound picture. The next one is in about 3 weeks and we should be able to see if it's a boy or girl by then.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Well I think the search is almost over for a house. We've found one near Woodville that I think will be a great first home. It's probably the best house we've seen so far and probably in the best shape of any of the houses that we've seen so far as well. Not only that, but the cost is great as well. We're looking forward to seeing it again before making an offer. Hooray!!! The search may be nearing an end!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I never knew that morning sickness could be so bad. I mean I've heard of it and all, but to see Julie sick almost all day everyday is horrible. Anyhow, things seem to be turning around now that she's got some medicine that she can take to help with the nausea. It's been a day or so since she's taken it so hopefully things are getting a bit better.

During time, I've got my own sickness going on. I'm sick and tired of living in an apartment. Unfortunately, we can't seem to decide on a place that we want to live. This really stinks because housing near Toledo (where we don't want to be) is really expensive, but housing everywhere else is somewhat from anything to do and Julie is worried that no one will come to visit us. I'm really beginning to not care where we are as long as it isn't an apartment anymore and if people want to visit us they will.

How do people live in an apartment for so long. I need to feel like I own something and can make changes to it if I want. Of course, there comes a lot of additional responsibility with a house. But who cares?!?!?! I mean, it sucks because people aren't friendly in apartments, you don't know who anyone is. Maybe its different at other places, but I know that I don't want to move around to try to find one. The next time we move, it's going to be for a while.

On the good news front....we did get the first ultrasound a couple of weeks ago. Let me tell you, that was awesome!!! It's not any bigger than a paperclip and you could hear it's heart beating. Very impressive and obviously a miracle in the making. I don't know how else to describe than that.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Well since it appears that I can't have a blog that appeals to the general public, I've decided to create something that will appeal to family and friends. So from this point forward, or until we have nothing new to talk about, I and hopefully my wife will be posting updates about our family, what we're doing, the baby that's on the way, our search for a house, etc. So if you're interested, keep reading...

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I'm beginning to wonder if it is worth me even posting anything out here. I mean does anyone even read this thing. I've tried to post about a variety of topics and I was hoping that they might get picked up on Google so that they would be searchable, but that doesn't seem to be case. If it is, then no one cares to post any comments or anything. If you're reading this, let me know. And if you managed to make it to this page somehow and you have an idea for something interesting that I can start to post about out here, let me know that as well. In the meantime, I'll be waiting.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Adventures in Odyssey is a radio show that's been on the air since the 80's, however, the stories are timeless. There are a couple of sites devoted to it: and Anyhow, as I listen to the episodes I sometimes wonder where Odyssey could theoretically be located. I've decided to start compiling a list of different things that may help us to locate the mysterious town. If you have anything extra to add, please comment on them and I'll add them to the list.
  1. In Episode 2, "The Life of the Party", Craig Moorhead's parents get into a fight and the Dad threatens to pack up the car and move back to Columbus. This would lead us to believe that the Odyssey is within a day or so drive of Columbus. There is a Columbus in Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. This means that Odyssey could still be anywhere.
  2. The radio station that is broadcast from Whit's End has the call letters KYDS. I believe all radio stations that start with K are all west of the Mississippi River. That cuts out all states East of the Mississippi River.
  3. Mysteriously, even though the call letters would lead you to believe Odyssey is West of the Mississippi River, in The Underground Railroad, they cross the Ohio river in order to make it to what is now Whit's End. This would point to Odyssey being in Ohio.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I had someone tell me that optional parameters are great. In some situations I would agree, but normally speaking, I believe that optional parameters are not as great as they are cracked up to be. I couldn't find any reasons off the top of my head, but I'm going to start compiling a list and would like any feedback.
  1. You can't use Databinder.Eval on a property that uses optional parameters.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


After reinstalling Windows XP and installing all the updates, I wondered, where did my NVidia tab go to adjust the special settings for my graphics card. Well I have an easy answer for anyone with the same problem. It lies in one of the Microsoft patches. I installed them all and by process of elimination found that patch KB908531 was the culprit. I therefore uninstalled it and the NVidia tab was returned for use. This should work for all NVidia cards and may work with ATI if the problem is the same. If you have any questions, just post them and I'll reply back with any help I can provide.

Friday, June 23, 2006


This is well worth the 6 minutes you'll spend watching it. I had to put it out here to share it with even more people.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


I can say that I've never really been a fan of blogs unless they had something important for me to read. After reading an article and becoming frustrated with what I read, I decided that I needed my own spot on the web to express how I feel about some things an hopefully get some feedback. I'll be posting things, hopefully regularly, and I hope that people will read them, think about them, and respond.

My first post will be coming soon about the article I read. The article was good, but there was one statement that kind of drove me nuts. Maybe you'll agree...