Friday, October 17, 2008


We hear a lot about the different tax plans from both of the candidates. So I wondered, whose tax plan would I benefit more from. Turns out, I would actually benefit more from Obama's tax plan. Amazing isn't it. Doesn't mean I'll vote for the guy because there are a few unanswered questions.

First, if 95% of Americans will benefit from Obama's tax plan and only 5% of them will have increased taxes, then where in the world is he going to get all the money to do the tax cuts. We can't afford it. We're already in debt and he's proposing more programs that will put us further behind in paying off the national debt, not ahead. Of the 95% of Americans who will benefit, how many of them actually pay taxes. From what I understand, there will be a greater number of people who don't pay any taxes at all that will actually be getting paid by the government.

So, we're going to take more from the rich and give it to the poor. Sounds an awful lot like socialism to me. I would imagine that of the people who don't pay taxes, there are a legitimate number who need an hand up, but I would also venture to guess that there is a large number of people who have absolutely no desire to better themselves and getting the extra money from the government means only one thing... a shopping spree.

So, it's time. I've decided that in 12 years, I will be old enough to run for President. I might as well throw my hat in the ring now because no one knows who I am and I won't be old enough to run until. Here is my stand on the issues:
  • We need to redo the tax system in this country. It's horrible. We are a nation of creative and productive people, but this tax system is the best we can come up with? Honestly, it's ridiculous. I would propose the FairTax.
  • The national debt is killing us. We know what large amounts of debt does to people. Look at the crisis on Wall Street right now. It's due to people taking out large amounts of debt that they can't afford. The nation is on the fast track to accumulating so much debt that we'll be crippled to the point where we can't take care of basic government necessities (look at our roads). It's time to refocus the government on what it was made to do...protect the people and provide an infrastructure that allows us to flourish. Anything beyond these things needs to be reviewed with great scrutiny to determine if it should even be considered at the federal level. The only things that would pass through the oval office with a signature on it is a bill that focuses precisely on one item. No more "financial rescue packages" that gives money to wool research and wooden arrow manufacturers (sorry wool researchers and wooden arrow manufacturers).
  • Finally, our energy plan will not be solved in 12 years. No one will take responsibility for it or do what it takes. I wouldn't give much if any money out for it because like I said before, we need to reign in the federal debt. We're buying our oil from countries that don't like us and selling our debt to countries that don't like us. It's time that the USA is finally self sufficient and no longer relies on other countries for ANYTHING. How can we be a powerful country when we rely so heavily on other countries for our basic needs? The Pickens Plan ( makes a lot of sense and I believe it could work. We just need to determine what incentives would be necessary to get people to move to alternative energy. If you tax something it makes it less desirable. Placing a tax that gradually increases over time on oil imports and reducing or eliminating taxes on the types of energy we want to promote could get companies and people to make the switch.

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