Thursday, January 29, 2009

$825 billion of OUR money???

So the government has gotten the bright idea that it knows how to spend $825 billion dollars to stimulate the economy. Well let's put this in perspective. In less than one month in office, Barack Obama and Congress will have pushed through a bill that costs more than what we've spent on the entire Iraq War so far. You can see an ever increasing calculation of how much we've spent on the war here.

For all of you who complained about how much this war has cost us, it's time to think twice before making that statement again. In less than a year, Congress and both Presidents will have spent almost 3 times more than what the war has cost, and for what??? (700 billion bailout + 825 billion "stimulus" package...and I use the word stimulus weakly)

If you want to stimulate the economy, how about not spending so much of our money and cut back on programs so that we can have more of our money to spend. How many people do you think would be foreclosed on if they had a few extra hundred dollars in each paycheck to put food on the table or make a mortgage payment? No, instead, take my money and spend it on arts programs and give jobs to those who already have them (because you can almost bet that the laid off workers at Microsoft will be picking up a hammer to build a new school...yeah right!!!!)

The true purpose of this bill is to push through all of the programs that Obama and the Democrats have promised and hail it as a stimulus package so they can hurry it through Congress without anyone looking too closely at it. Unless people do something, they're plan will work. This is not a stimulus package, but a spending package. They're simply going to use this create or expand programs, which we won't be able to cut next year because they are already in place, and then tax us more heavily to make up the difference in the future. You think things are bad now, just wait until we have to pay it all back.

And for those of you who scoffed at me when I said we should be a bit cautious of Obama (and the Democrat congress) because of bigger government and higher taxes, we're less than a month into the new year and we've already got deficit spending to support more government programs.

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