Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I'm wondering why everyone cares so much about these AIG bonuses. If the government hadn't nationalized them in the first place, it wouldn't be an issue. Besides there was more money wasted in the recent stimulus bill than what is being given out based on contracts to these employees. One article had a quote from a Senator that said that it wasn't right for them to get the money and buy fancy cars and yachts. Well if I understand correctly, if they purchase cars and yachts, someone has to build it, which means people are going to work.

So what is the government's plan? Tax the bonuses 100%. If the government can't get it's way by asking, they'll force it to happen, one way or another...all in the name of protecting the taxpayer. They could have protected the taxpayer best by not giving any of the banks or AIG our money in the first place. Then they wouldn't have to come up with "creative" ways of getting it back.

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