Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It appears that it has been quite some time since we last updated our blog. So much has changed. I'll try to fill you in on the recent happenings in the Amrine household. This is the first time that I have posted anything out here so hang in there with me.

Adelyn will be 1o months old in a few weeks. Her first birthday is right around the corner. We can hardly believe how fast the time has gone. She started crawling on the day that she turned eight months old right around Thanksgiving. It was so awesome to watch the progression of each of the steps that got her to that point. It seems like we waited and waited to actually see her do it and then bam she zoomed across the floor. Now she pulls herself up to furniture and cruises around. She loves to strut her stuff while holding onto the hands of Mommy and Daddy. Needless to say that no part of our house has been left untouched. I just love to see her little handprints around the house of reminders of how precious she is and what a wonderful gift we have been given. She also has the most hilarious laugh. We can't even describe it. It sounds like she is trying to clear out her throat.

With all the moving about she does she is starting to slim down a bit. Mommy misses those chubby thighs. At her last doctor's appointment, she weighed 18.5 pounds and was 28.5 inches long. We have discovered that she loves finger foods and wants to drink from a cup. She has the pincer grasp mastered. Her eyes are piercing blue and her is getting incredibly long (pony tail length).

Her favorite activity by far is taking baths with the exception of getting her hair washed. She recently acquired some new bath toys including rubber duckies and a motor boat picked out by Daddy. She would spend all day in the tub I think if we would let her. Her little toes get so wrinkly. Our floor usually ends up covered in water by the time she is done because she loves to splash. She also gets a thrill out of sliding on her belly after the water has been drained.

If you haven't gotten the chance to meet Ping the Panda Bear I'm sure you will in the future. Wherever you find Adelyn, you'll find Ping usually in her arms with left thumb in mouth. Ping was given to Adelyn by Mamaw Laurie on a Friday afternoon shopping trip. Mommy and Mamaw Laurie held up cute little lambs and bunnies but Adelyn went for the panda everytime. We decided to name the bear Ping because Adam had a bear named Pong when he was little who now has his home in Adelyn's craddle. So far Ping has survived several trips through the washing machine.

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