Friday, February 15, 2008


These things are driving me nuts. Recently in Ohio, the Democrats starting airing their advertisements trying to convince us that they are the better choice for President. Obama's ad talks about how he has a plan to fix healthcare. I've looked at the plan and disagree with much of it. He says that Washington needs to get rid of the lobbyists and fix Washington so that they can fix Healthcare. First of all, you were in Washington, right?!?!? You've had an opportunity to fix it, right?!?!?!? Then why isn't it fixed. You'll have less power to fix things as President than you do as a senator. The President just signs the bills, the truth of the matter is that Congress hasn't produced anything of value for any President to sign. Second, good luck fixing Washington. I mean seriously, Social Security is going down the toilet fast and I'm basically throwing my paycheck into a black hole that I will never see any benefit from. Technically that's a negative investment on my money. I put 6.2% in and will lose all of it by the time I'm ready to retire. How does that make sense? Finally, if you want to lower health care costs, pass some sort of liability laws so doctor's don't have to carry such ridiculously priced malpractice insurance (which just gets passed to the consumer) and then stay out of the way. The market will determine the price for these things. If you were to stay out of the insurance companies way, then we wouldn't have a need for lobbyists, which means that the prices insurance companies and other industries pay these lobbyists won't be passed on to consumers either. Hmmm, lower costs?????

The Clinton ad that is driving me even more crazy. She criticizes the Bush economy and how it has made people one pink slip, one medical diagnosis, or one mortgage payment from falling through. First of all, Bush doesn't control the economy in any sense. It is a free market and will continue to be controlled by individuals and not the President. Second, if people are one mortgage payment away from "falling through", they probably shouldn't have purchased the house in the first place. It's their responsibility for not doing the math and counting on someone else to tell them if they can afford the house. As for the pink slip problem, people lose their jobs all of the time. Unemployment has been pretty low for the last 7 years. Unemployment wouldn't be such a problem if people hadn't gotten themselves into such debt. There have been some news stories lately about how credit card rates are going up and "hurting" people who use the cards. DUH!!!! Don't go into debt!!! Don't use credit cards for stuff you can't pay for!!! It doesn't get much easier than that. If you think Washington is going help you out with this, you're wrong. Sure they might give you unemployment benefits longer so you can make your payments, but ultimately, your security is entirely in your hands, not Washingtons. Besides, do you really want people who can't crunch the numbers on a yearly basis to see that they are spending more than they bring in and that Social Security will go bankrupt shortly helping you with financial decisions? I agree that medical bills can bankrupt a person or family, but there are many health insurance plans out there that are reasonable and will keep you from going bankrupt, and if you're place of business doesn't offer health care, go somewhere else that does. Businesses will change the way they treat you if they realize they can't keep you around unless they do. Finally, Hillary says that insurance companies, mortgage companies, and all these other companies have enjoyed 7 years with a President that doesn't "press" them. I'm sorry, but like I said before we are in a free market. In the same time, you've seen free or $4 generic medications being offered at many different places. Like I've already said, people who cannot afford their house because of an ARM or subprime mortgage, you probably should have looked at the numbers before you signed the papers. The housing market was skyrocketing, it's time for a correction.

If we move to a country where the government has their hands in everything, then we might as well be considered a socialist economy. That's where we're heading if people keeping looking for Washington to fix all their problems and they don't take responsibility for it themselves. In that type of economy, no one becomes rich, and everyone is dependent on a government that can't balance their own books and rely on US to survive!!!! So when politicians talk about these new programs they want to institute, remember that you are paying for them one way or another. None of it's free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN my brother!