Thursday, August 28, 2008


I hate to say it, but I'm scared. Terrified. And there is nothing I can do about. A sick feeling in my stomach keeps coming back to me at one thought... Obama as our president. I'm scared that we're headed in the direction of bigger government and more taxes. But those things pail in comparison to how little we really know about Obama. I think it's pretty safe to say that we know less about him than we do any other presidential candidate in history. That's scary. He just showed up out of no where and has garnered a ridiculous amount of attention and loyalty.

I'm sorry, but I can't "believe in" any politician to change my life. How many times have we seen promises broken by them? I can't "believe in" a candidate that hasn't been tested and has too many questions swirling around him. The only "change we can believe in" or anyone should believe in is the change that knowing God and his Son has on their lives. There is no other change worth believing in and no other change that will have a greater impact on your life. So decide, put your faith in your government to change your life for the better or put your faith in God to do it? I hope the decision is clear as to which one has a better track record at fulfilling promises.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Have you ever seen a company hemorrhage money like General Motors? They'd almost be better off selling off all their assets and starting from scratch at this point. They've dug their own grave. What's their major project now....the Chevy Volt. A plug-in hybrid. They had an electric vehicle in the late 90's that would have been a hit and probably could have put internal combustion to shame by now after making advancements every year. But instead they choose to cancel the program, destroy or disable all of the cars that they leased out....and then start from scratch almost 10 years later. What a waste...

My recommendation to the next president.....DON'T GIVE THEM MONEY TO KEEP THEM AFLOAT!!! Don't think it will happen. Of course it will. They're going to give Detroit tons of "research" money to look for alternatives to foreign oil and research fuel cells which won't be affordable for at least another 10 years. They had the chance to make it big, and they blew it. Let's not give them taxpayer dollars so they can frivolously use it to chase after the next fad and then destroy anything that has to do it when the fad is over.

Friday, August 01, 2008


So there has been a lot of political talk about how Obama is going to help the middle class out. First with tax relief and now more recently he thinks that the oil companies should basically give every family $1000 to help with the high price of gas (which isn't the oil companies fault unless they were forcing us to buy SUVs). My problem with all this is, where is the money going to come from to fund all these programs. "The war in Iraq costs us so much money that we could fund this program over here with it." No we can't. We're borrowing money to pay for the war, so you'd still continue to borrow money for your stupid programs.

Oh, and this middle class I've heard so much about, am I a part of that? From a recent article I read, it appears that I'm actually in the top 25% of earners in the country. I don't make that much. I'm trying to pay off my debt and get into a better position. We don't take vacations. We don't do any extra driving, and we watch what we spend. We are by no means wealthy. But since I'm in the top 25% of earners, will I qualify for all this tax relief, or will I be one of the ones footing the bill. Makes you think.