Friday, August 01, 2008


So there has been a lot of political talk about how Obama is going to help the middle class out. First with tax relief and now more recently he thinks that the oil companies should basically give every family $1000 to help with the high price of gas (which isn't the oil companies fault unless they were forcing us to buy SUVs). My problem with all this is, where is the money going to come from to fund all these programs. "The war in Iraq costs us so much money that we could fund this program over here with it." No we can't. We're borrowing money to pay for the war, so you'd still continue to borrow money for your stupid programs.

Oh, and this middle class I've heard so much about, am I a part of that? From a recent article I read, it appears that I'm actually in the top 25% of earners in the country. I don't make that much. I'm trying to pay off my debt and get into a better position. We don't take vacations. We don't do any extra driving, and we watch what we spend. We are by no means wealthy. But since I'm in the top 25% of earners, will I qualify for all this tax relief, or will I be one of the ones footing the bill. Makes you think.

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