Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So, supposedly we're in some pretty tough times coming up. All the people in Washington are trying to put their heads together to make sure the economy doesn't collapse. Personally, I don't think are as dire as everyone makes them out to be and I'm against a bailout of any kind, but that's another post.

Today, McCain decided to suspend his campaign temporarily to go back to Washington and help get something together with everyone. Obama on the other hand comes out and says that he's not suspending his campaign, now is the time to tell the American people what we're going to do, and the president should be able to handle multiple things at once.

This is very interesting to me. No one will say this but it's obvious from the evidence, but he doesn't want to go back to Congress and put his stamp of approval or disapproval on anything that comes out of there this close to the election, for fear it might upset those people who may vote for him. He's trying to vote "present" again like he did 130 times in the Illinois state senate. (Click here for details.) He's thinking, "Instead of voting for or against a bailout package, I'm just not going to take a stand on it."

Also, his comment about the President needing to be able to handle multiple things at once doesn't make any sense given his actions. Well of course the President should be able to handle multiple "tough" things at once. But exactly what are you going to be contributing to anything that's decided in Congress over the next week while you are out on the campaign trail?

I guess my final question or comment is, if you aren't even going to focus on your primary job for which you have already been elected (Jr. Senator in the US Senate), then why should we be so sure you'll stay focused when you're in the Oval Office and not keep dreaming about what could be or what's to come next?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I'm not 100% sure when things started to go bad for everyone. Most would say it's been in the past couple of years. We'll I'd like to throw a little piece of information out there. Sure we've had Bush in the White House for the past 8 years, but can you really say that the past 8 years have been that bad? Excluding the last 2 years, we've seen the lowest unemployment during that time. We've seen some of the best years in the financial market during that time and a significant market recovery from the 9/11 attacks.

It appears that the last two years have been the worst by most people's estimates. Well if the first 6 were not too bad and the economy seems to have been flourishing, what has changed in the past 2 years? Well first of all, the Congress has an incredibly low approval rating (lower than any other Congress before them I believe.). And 2 years ago, the Congress was moved from Republican to Democrat control. You may want to consider that before you make any decisions this next year.

DISCLAIMER: These thoughts are my own, not plagiarized or from anyone else (including but not limited to Bill O'Reily, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, or any other conservative commentator). I formulated these thoughts myself, typed them in myself, and hit the publish post button all by myself.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


It's stunning to me all the analyzing that Sarah Palin has received as a Vice Presidential candidate. People keep saying that she is a "heartbeat away from the presidency". Very true. But the way they keep comparing her experience to Obama is amazing. First of all Obama, if Obama wins, he takes the presidential seat on day one (experience or lack of it and all). If McCain wins, Sarah Palin takes the Vice Presidential seat on day one and takes the presidential seat *IF* something happens to McCain.

So, if everyone wants to compare Obama and Palin all day long, go for it, but they aren't running for the same job. And I find it very odd that everyone is comparing the two of them. Are they that confident that she will be the President someday? Are they scared by her consistency with what she stands for or that they are having a hard time digging up dirt on her? (What does Obama stand for? You can't tell by his voting record. Talk the talk, but walk the walk?) It's almost as if they're no longer running against McCain and they are now running against Palin. Either way, they seem to know they have a serious fight on their hands or they wouldn't be trying so hard to discount the person who is running for the Vice Presidential seat.