Sunday, September 07, 2008


It's stunning to me all the analyzing that Sarah Palin has received as a Vice Presidential candidate. People keep saying that she is a "heartbeat away from the presidency". Very true. But the way they keep comparing her experience to Obama is amazing. First of all Obama, if Obama wins, he takes the presidential seat on day one (experience or lack of it and all). If McCain wins, Sarah Palin takes the Vice Presidential seat on day one and takes the presidential seat *IF* something happens to McCain.

So, if everyone wants to compare Obama and Palin all day long, go for it, but they aren't running for the same job. And I find it very odd that everyone is comparing the two of them. Are they that confident that she will be the President someday? Are they scared by her consistency with what she stands for or that they are having a hard time digging up dirt on her? (What does Obama stand for? You can't tell by his voting record. Talk the talk, but walk the walk?) It's almost as if they're no longer running against McCain and they are now running against Palin. Either way, they seem to know they have a serious fight on their hands or they wouldn't be trying so hard to discount the person who is running for the Vice Presidential seat.

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