Saturday, October 25, 2008


It now sounds like Congress will meet again after the election season to try to pass another stimulus package. My only thinking is... STAY HOME!!! My wallet is still wondering where my share of the 700 billion dollar bailout has went. STAY HOME... and don't spend anymore of my hard earned money. Yes, they are spending MY money and YOUR money. They say that we don't get it, but I don't think THEY get it. We know what they're doing, and the worse part of it is that we hired them. If I owned a company, and then hired someone who makes the poor decisions they do, spend money the company doesn't have, drives the company further into debt and has no clear plans to get the company out of it, I'd fire the person and find someone else. But what do we do, we elect (hire) them again, or elect (hire) someone who makes a bunch of promises to spend MORE money we don't have. Let's fire those who spend OUR money with no clear plan or direction and hire those who are either going to give it back to us (we know how to spend it better than they do anyhow) or use it to focus on paying off the debt that those we fire have created for us.


Anonymous said...

A lot has happened with the $700 billion since you wrote this and none of seems to fall within the bill of goods that we the taxpayers were sold. Am I surprise? Not in the least, I told Linda to watch this thing play out because she wouldn't recognize it in a month or so. I am becoming very disgruntled with Washington.

Adam said...

I agree. I just saw yesterday that they now have no plans to use any of the money for its original buy toxic debt. Now, the big three automakers want some of it.